Showing posts with label grill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grill. Show all posts

queen of the grill

there's something so great about being outside in the summer and grilling. the smells that come along with it, and the taste of hickory flavoring on your veggies. yum! i bought a mini weber grill when i became vegan so that i'm not a burden to others, and also for my own piece of mind. knowing that it'll be animal free is so great! tonight i grilled a vegan boca burger and (my mom made) roasted potatoes with onions and peppers and i finished it off with a ice cold blue moon w/ an orange slice. while i was grilling i started to read You Couldn't Ignore Me If You Tried, a book about John Hughes and his impact on so many generations that seems to have no end. My favorite movie is 16 Candles, and I can quote the entire movie line for line. he's one of my favorite writers and directiors. he just got it.

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