Showing posts with label labels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label labels. Show all posts

you can't judge a package by it's name... only it's label

so... when you first become vegan there's a lot of label reading. i mean a LOT of label reading. a 30 minute grocery trip on the day after I became vegan lasted almost 3 hours and included 4 separate stores. below is a list of items that you need to look out for to determine if that item is vegan or not vegan friendly. it will be sad and quite disappointing during your first shopping trip, and continue to be, yet the yummy food that you can eat in place of your old favorites is worth the initial disappointments. (my grocery cart is now about 85-90% fruits & veggies).

casein: a class of milk proteins often found in items marked "non dairy"
whey: or milk serum is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled or strained.
ghee: a common milk derivative
oleic acid: a fat from sheep or cattle
lecithin: from animal tissues and eggs
pepsin: from pigs stomachs
stearic acid: animal fats & oils
rennin / rennet: enzymes from a calf's stomach
albumen: protein found in egg whites
gelatin: protein from animal bones / cartilage / tendons / skin

 and here's some items that might surprise you being vegan or non-vegan, and NO, I'm not claiming that these are healthy items or that i even eat these, it's just interesting what's really in the food we eat.

"but wait," you say. "where's the information on why these items aren't vegan?" well you didn't think i'd do all the work for you... did you? :) Pin It Now!