veggie peace tattoo

i love tattoos, i want to get a three quarter sleeve on at least one of my arms, and maybe a half sleeve on the other. i have lots of ideas, but i don't put anything on my body, unless i've thought about it for at least a year.... well, except a cover up tattoo i got, but that's because the before looked like a prison tattoo, and that's a whole nother story....

so, i've wanted to get a tattoo that is a daily reminder of my love for all things veggie, but i wanted something that didn't jump out and literally say the word "vegetarian" or "vegan", because i could always go back to being a meat eater. i don't see it in my near or even distant future, but i also didn't ever see being vegetarian, let alone vegan as an option, so i wanted something symbolic, if for some reason i went back that it wouldn't be a lot of pressure on me to do so.

for the past 2 years, i've wanted the native american sign for peace on my left wrist. it's a broken arrow, symbolizing a truce. i have the word love on my right wrist, so to complete the vegan hippie stereotype, why not get peace on the other wrist, right? anyway, i think it's the perfect compliment, as it symbolized peace, which i'm always for, and it's a broken arrow, which to me represents me choosing not to be a hunter. as nothing good can come from an arrow, it is, in the end a weapon. so, that's why i chose this tattoo, and i'm so happy with how simple it is, but has a greater meaning to me, and because it isn't so in your face veggie, i won't be bombarded with questions about it. Pin It Now!

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