Showing posts with label orange juice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orange juice. Show all posts

orange you glad i didn't say it's monday?

this morning i woke up and wanted something different from my usual naked juice and banana or oatmeal with blueberries. And since it's sunday i can actually cook in the morning (i'm not a morning person and usually running out the door during the weekdays). 

and while still in bed, i went through all the things i have and wondered what i could make myself for breakfast that would be yummy & satisfying. last night i had a blue moon with an orange slice... so i have half an orange in the fridge. i bought a loaf of french bread yesterday. i have almond milk in the fridge.... *ding*... that's when i remembered seeing this recipe for orange french toast on vegan stoner (an awesome website for quick easy vegan recipes). now, i've only eaten french toast a handful of times in my 26 years, because the eggs would gross me out too much. well today i'm in heaven. this recipe was all i could have wanted this morning and more, and the fact that it took about 5 minutes made it even more spectacular. i changed a few things to my preference, but here's the recipe.


1/2 Orange (Juiced in a juicer) {if you don't have a fresh orange, boxed orange juice will work too}
Equal Parts Unsweetened Almond Milk to the Orange Juice
Slices of Bread (I used French Bread)
Spoonful of Butter (I used Earth Balance)
3 spoonfuls of cinnamon (Vegan Stoner used 1 spoonful... but I LOVE cinnamon)
2 spoonfuls of powdered sugar
maple syrup


1. Mix the orange juice & almond milk in a bowl. (It makes a vegan buttermilk).
2. Dip both sides of your bread in the "buttermilk".
3. Heat up a pan and place the butter in it.
4. Place the bread slices in the pan and flip until brown and golden on both sides.
5. Move bread to plate, top with syrup and cinnamon powdered sugar.
6. Enjoy!

Update: I've now made this 3 times for breakfast and or dinner... sooo yummy.

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