some things can not be unseen

I became a vegetarian 3 years ago, so a month ago I would have considered myself aware of the world around me, and living a cruelty free life. Well, little did I know that on a random sunday in May 2012,  I would watch a movie that would completely change my life. I don't know what will change in the next few years, let alone tomorrow, but what I do know is that for the past month I have been vegan, and it was instantly after watching the movie Earthlings. Now, I tell people that this movie has changed my life, yet I haven't explained in detail what it shows. I feel that if someone is interested they'll watch it on their own, and if they aren't then they shouldn't watch it. Food is such a personal thing, so how could I force or shove my views onto someone when I wouldn't want them to do that to me. All I can say is that after watching the first 45 minutes I went through all my food and gave everything away that wasn't vegan. It was an easy change after being vegetarian for 3 years, my whole life going without drinking milk or eating eggs (unless they were in breads, etc). So, I have to say it wasn't a hard transition, yet it blew my mind at how many things weren't vegan, and how other things were. So, ultimately this blog will be my journey as a vegan. New fun recipes. Tips I learn through the process. And, just my journey as a new vegan. I've lost 10 lbs in these first 4 weeks, and have more energy than I've ever had in my entire life. I owe it to being a vegan. I've never been happier or more satisfied about anything. And even if you're not vegetarian or vegan, hopefully you find some cool recipes to try. Pin It Now!

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