why i drink almond milk over soy milk or cows milk

"i just don't understand the new concept of almond milk. if i were to drink milk, i'd drink the real thing; i'd drink dairy milk!"

I can't tell you how many times i've heard that one in relation to any milk that isn't dairy milk. but there's a few things wrong with it. but with all things, i feel like a lot of people hear something and take is as truth. i on the other hand do a lot of research and read a lot of books on both sides of an argument and decide which one makes the most sense to me. that's how i chose almond milk, well that and i've never liked the taste of dairy milk.

Most people think and refer to almond milk as a new thing or new trend, but it's actually been around since the middle ages as a substitute for dairy milk. reason for this was that they didn't have any way to refrigerate the dairy milk, it would spoil quickly. they would make cheese and butter right away to preserve the dairy milk. but for cooking and baking... you guessed it they used none other than almond milk, since it's easier to store.

on to the nutrition:

I used to drink soy milk, until I found out that soy milk is not good for you due to being linked to multiple health conditions. There are multiple websites on the dangers of drinking soy milk, and the possible links to breast cancer in women is one that I'm not going to risk.

And, the reason why I don't drink dairy milk other than the fact that I never liked the taste as a child or an adult, (Your taste buds change, and you should really continue to try foods that you initially didn't like, because you might be surprised your taste has changed.) is that i never understood why we would drink another species milk that was meant for their young calf. The image of a species larger and more intelligent than us pumping human women and repeatedly artificially impregnating them to produce milk for their species is a crazy thought... but when you put yourself in their position, it makes you think about how crazy we treat these animals, and with such disrespect and disregard. This is why I don't drink dairy milk. To me, it just doesn't make sense, a cow normally lives around 25 years in a normal life, but a dairy cow lives only 3-5 years due to their "living" conditions. And since that mother cow was pregnant her calf is taken away from her and used as veal. That is reason enough for me to not drink or support an industry like that. Not to mention all the hormones and other things you're receiving while drinking dairy milk.

One of the largest misconceptions about healthy bones is that you need calcium for them to be strong and healthy, but most people can't absorb calcium, so you need Vitamin D for healthy bones. There are also reports that the calcium in milk isn't able to be absorbed into our human bodies, and that it goes right through your system and can cause prostate cancer in men. There are tons of other things about milk that are bad, as I've just really scratched the surface of why milk is bad for you, but I always encourage everyone to do their own research and decide for yourself what is best for you and your body.

Food For Thought: 75% of the world is lactose intolerant, so if we were really meant to drink dairy milk... wouldn't that number be less?

Here are the ones I use.



The book Skinny Bitch has some great information about being a vegan (and cutting out unnecessary items out of your daily life) and what exactly goes into making milk. Pin It Now!


  1. I didn't realize that about soy milk being linked to cancer! Geez! I will stay away from it. I have never had almond milk but would be willing to try it...



    1. I didn't either, and I was drinking it for years! It's crazy what is in the food we eat without even knowing.
