12 day juice fast

Today, I'm starting a 12 day juice fast. The reason I'm only doing 12 days, is that I will be in New York August 4th & 5th, and want to eat real food while I'm there. This isn't a juice cleanse (I did the Master Cleanse after I became a vegetarian to cleanse my body, and won't do that again, it was too harsh on my system), even though it will be detoxing and cleansing my body, this fast will be more of a kick start into eating more raw foods, and cutting back on processed foods. When i'm finished with the fast, i want to incorporate fresh juiced veggies & fruits into my daily routine. I don't think i'll ever be able to give up processed foods, but I don't want to eat them as much as I have been lately.

Before you start a fast you should cut out dairy / meat / processed foods a week before your first transition day. Being a vegan I just limited my processed food intake. Also, cutting out caffeine & coffee is wise, as your body won't be as shocked when you start the fast. It's good to cut back gradually until the fast to have the most effective outcome and stay on the fast for your goal amount of time.

The reason I'm doing a juice fast is due to the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." You can watch it here FREE : FS&ND Definitely worth watching, shows the impact & power of only eating raw vegetables and fruits juiced.

And if that isn't enough motivation watch this 42 minute interview with Dr. Robert Young on the importance of juicing here:

Today's Menu:

Breakfast: 2 red delicious apples / 2 pears / 6 strawberries  / 2 plums / 1 cup of raspberries / 1 bunch of spinach

Verdict: This was really good! I was actually slurping up as much as I could once it was gone. It made around 40 oz of juice aka 2.5 16 oz glasses of juice.

Lunch: 2 sweet potatoes / 3 peaches / 1 apple / 1 orange / thumb size of ginger / 1/2 TBS Chia Seeds / 1/2 TBS Hemp Seeds

Verdict: This juice was delicious!!! So yummy! I can't wait to have this for lunch tomorrow too! Made 32 oz of juice. Favorite Juice of the day!

Dinner: 1/2 pineapple / 1 bunch of kale / 1 cucumber

Verdict: When I think of Kale.. I personally don't like it unless it's made into chips or mixed in with lettuce. I'm just not a fan of it. Well, it looks like I LOVE it juiced! This is a delicious refreshing juice. Made 32 oz of juice.

How today went: Started out Energized. Ate Breakfast at 8:30. Lunch at 11. Snack at 2. Dinner at 6:30. Took a nap at around 3. Very tired! Slight Headache. Irritable around 5. All in all not a bad day. My body felt a little hot and my breath was kickin no matter how much I brushed! Today was a 7.5 out of 10. Not full of energy, but not completely horrible. 

Total fast weight loss 0 lbs. 
Total vegan weight loss 16 lbs.
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