contradictory actions

If I can give you any advice while you're on a juice fast (other than manage your time, due to clean up & jucing being very time consuming & tedious), it would be to keep it to yourself!!

If you're on a juice fast, it means that you were inspired by someone who did one and you're ready to change your life for the better. Now, the reason I say keep it to yourself, is that there are always, always, always going to be negative people making you feel like what you're doing is weird. Now, I don't know why people think that eating fruits & vegetables raw through juicing is weird. It's the most natural food you could give your body, but people get defensive about things that aren't familiar to them. Most people haven't gone on a juice fast, so keep your mouth shut! People will see you drinking at work, shhhhh! Don't comment on it, unless they do, but keep it simple as just stating what's in it. Don't go into detail about why you're doing it, because they honestly don't care! And they just want to add negative feelings towards your fast. And in reality, YOU ARE what's important right now, and just know that you've been researching juice fasting, and seeing all the amazing benefits, so don't let anyone make you feel 'weird' for eating fruits & veggies.

Case in point: On friday while I was drinking a peach & nectarine juice, a coworker walked past me and said "That looks gross!" I said, "It's peaches & nectarines.. delicious!" He then said "Really? It doesn't look good, I wouldn't drink that." Not even 10 seconds later, he was eating mini twix bars, and cutting into a day old coffee cake. I had to laugh to myself at how ridiculous a statement he was making that peaches = bad, but twix & coffee cake = good. This is why you should keep it to yourself, and DON'T listen to people who know nothing about juice fastings. Their opinions don't matter. They are not informed, so you shouldn't be listening to them!
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