Organic Avenue {NY}

Being on a juicing kick, I wanted to find a place to get me & my mom wheatgrass shots, and also a vegan smoothie for me, and some snacks for the plane ride and for when we were back in Chicago. Organic Avenue was just down the street from where my mom was getting a manicure, so we went there when she was done.
I got us both a shot of wheatgrass, and I got myself their Chocolate LOVE smoothie. The wheatgrass tasted like grass... like most wheatgrass does. The Chocolate smoothie was thick and tasty. A little bitter, but that's expected from raw caco powder. This place was a little overpriced, but that's to be expected in a large city, and then add organic to the name, and it's like you're buying spun gold. But all in all it was a nice little place, service was fine. They had an even larger store near Central Park, which I'd be interested in seeing what kind of selection they had. I would recommend this place, just know that you can make a juice for a lot cheaper at home, and I even bought the ingredients to make my own Chocolate drink at home once we got back. :)

My mom also bought some kale chips, and some pizza flavored flax seed chips. Yum!

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