say cheese!

i was just thinking about the most common word vegetarians & carnivores say to vegans on why they couldn't be full vegan. CHEESE. it occurred to me, that even during the 3 full years that i was vegetarian i said numerous times that i could NEVER be vegan, because of my love for cheese. (6 years ago, i also stated i can't believe how some people can be vegetarian.. "i could never be one of them... what weirdos!" all while stuffing my face with a cheese smothered italian beef sandwich washed down with a chocolate shake). this has taught me to embrace never saying never. you never know how life will unravel into your true self, and how you can constantly change and grow. my point about CHEESE, is that I LOVED cheese, or so I thought I did. And now after 3 months of being a vegan, i DON'T even miss it. i DON'T crave it. i DON'T want it. i ultimately DIDN'T LOVE it.

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